The OSL Mountain Healing Community serves the Asheville, NC and surrounding areas
Next Meeting: September 9, 2024
All are welcome! You do not have to be a member of our Healing Community to attend.
Meetings: We meet the second Monday of the month except June, July & December.
Time: 6:15 pm - 8:30 pm (EDT)
Location: TBD
All are welcome: One does not have to be a member to attend. We are an ecumenical organization with participants from various Christian denominations.
Contact: For more information please email Convener, Ed Pagán at info@ashevilleosl.org, or call (828) 989-9211. There is no charge for our programs or prayer ministries. We welcome donations.
Who We Are
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Two thousand years ago Jesus healed all who came to Him (Matthew 12:15). Jesus continues to heal today. He invites every Christian to help people come into His healing presence. For those who feel called to Jesus’ ministry of healing beyond praying for family and friends, the OSL Mountain Healing Community offers training and support. Our monthly meetings encourage, equip, and empower those who attend to expect, experience, and extend Jesus' ministry of healing today.
We are co-sponsors of an annual Healing Winds Conference which features a prominent healing ministry leader and provides a variety of workshops on healing ministry topics. We have an Intercessory Prayer Team which offers up prayer requests. We provide individual prayer ministry at no cost to persons seeking healing for various issues.
We invite the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers. The Holy Spirit leads us in praying for whatever the prayer recipient needs: physical healing, inner healing of emotional hurts, spiritual healing, generational healing for the family line, deliverance from forces of darkness.
All are welcome. One does not have to be a member to attend our meetings, attend the Healing Winds Conference, submit requests for intercessory prayer, or receive individual prayer ministry.
We are an ecumenical organization. Our members are lay people, clergy, and health professionals from several Christian denominations. We believe that Christian healing and competent medical practice and psychotherapy complement each other to the benefit of the person in need.
We are part of the national organization of OSL (International Order of St. Luke the Physician). The prayer of OSL reflects our belief that Jesus’ ministry of healing should be a vital part of the ministry of every Christian Church regardless of denomination. One third of Jesus' ministry involved healing as a manifestation of the kingdom of God. What Jesus considered important, we should also.
Important Note:
In today's culture, there are many counterfeit philosophies and practices claiming to increase our power to bring healing. As Christians whose source of truth is the Bible, we are called to rely only on the power and authority given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
Almighty God, who inspired Your servant Luke the Physician to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of Your Son: Graciously continue in Your Church the love and power to heal, to the praise and glory of Your Name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.