Healing Miracles of Jesus Study

As Christians who are members of OSL, we recognize only one source of healing: the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) who perfectly revealed his healing power in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord and Savior.

For those desiring to participate in Jesus' ministry of healing, Jesus is the role model. They are invited to join a group studying The 26 Healing Miracles of Jesus. This is the foundational study of OSL and required for all those seeking full membership in OSL.

These study groups are taught online by a cadre of gifted teachers who have had experience in teaching this study. The content is taught and discussed and a substantial amount of time is spent practicing prayers for healing within the small breakout room groups in Zoom. People are leaving these studies empowered by the Holy Spirit and equipped as ministers of Christ's healing.

You may be concurrently part of an in-person OSL group while also participating in this online course.


Register for The 26 Healing Miracles of Jesus